Pictures and clips of actual Xperia UL, fast machine, slim screen border

In fact, this year from Sony entered the market only Japanese right includes 3 new model Xperia Xperia Z, A, and this morning's Xperia Xperia UL, this is not the numbers so much as a look of some of the combined them with the international Xperia form.

Xperia UL just like an alternative version of the Xperia Z CMDA network, it combines with the front of the Xperia ZL ultra wide screen, then use the same smooth plastic Xperia A, ZR, but 2 were bevelled edges on thinner, resulting machine looks nothing like the previous Xperia models, it has a little something bold direction Japan. Please see photos and clip series about the fact this model right below.

Photo Source: Buzzap, GIGAZINE