Bootloader Unlock - Android 4.2.2 FW tested ready to install on Xperia Z

If you are excited about the Android 4.2.2 firmware has revealed a few hours ago on the Xperia Z, if you have unlocked bootloader and am curious machine some basic knowledge about the rom? So just try this FW installed on your computer when the installation has been hot in the XDA sharing.


- Machine has unock bootloader

- Running FW .253/.307 Jelly Bean

- The rom is testing so there may be some nasty bug


Installation Instructions
  1. Download rom saved on the memory card or phone memory
  2. Boot into CMW
  3. Flash rom
  4. Data Wipe for best results
  5. Reboot
  6. The update process takes a little time 
  7. Then reboot several times to rom stable operation

Original topic at XDA